During the 6th CAR 2 CAR Week 2019 at Eurecom, Sophia Antipolis, a group of CAR 2 CAR Communication Consortium experts started the activities for the generation of the Release 2.0 of the Basic System Profile (BSP). By defining objectives, features and requirements enabling Day2 use cases, the BSP 2.0 will provide continuity to the already published BSP 1.3 currently adopted as European level as one of the basis for the C-ITS delegated act. The BSP 2.0 is based on already identified C2C-CC road mapping definitions at both functional and technological level and will be iteratively extended following the releasing management specifications and processes already in place in the consortium: while new innovative features will be introduced by the BSP2.0, the existing BSP1.3 will be kept in operation and maintained whenever needed. With the clear intention to provide backwards compatibility to systems supporting the BSP1.3, the main objectives in scope of the BSP2.0 will be enabling semi-automated functions like cooperative ACC, support for improved powered two wheelers applications, introduction of cooperative methods for consideration non-cooperative road users (non-V2X equipped VRUs and vehicles), compatibility with extended road infrastructure-based services, support for misbehaviour detection and functional safety schemes applicable to V2X. Among the features that this release 2.0 will introduce, collective perception and extension of cooperative awareness services will be the first, due to their maturity in related standardisation activities. Functional and technical requirements for the implementation of the newly introduced features will be extracted by dedicated work item activities that triggered based on individual target features and will leverage the several R&D activities already performed by the C2C-CC members.