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Six European and International organisations in the mobility domain team up to further strengthen cooperation on the standardised delivery of…
The CAR 2 CAR Communication Consortium welcomes the publication of the revised ITS Directive. The revised ITS Directive consolidates the regulatory…
The Connected Motorcycle Consortium and the CAR 2 CAR Communication Consortium have published the White Paper Path Prediction for PTWs. Path…
By the end of 2023, the Autobahn GmbH of the federal government will equip all mobile safety trailers of its motorway maintenance services with a new…
After some interruption due to the pandemic, the CAR 2 CAR Forum finally took place again in Dresden on September 28 and 29. In addition, the CAR 2…
Europe is leading in the deployment to vehicleto-everything direct communication. In the EU’s policy context this is referred to as ‘cooperative…
ITS Directive revision proposal safeguards road safety and Europe’s lead in C-ITS
New interesting video about the Current Situation of V2X in US and Europe 2021 found on YouTube
Guidance for day 2 and beyond roadmap
“Under the name of #SafeRoadsTODAY, the C-Roads Platform proudly presents its very own roadshow event in close cooperation with the URBIS Smart City…