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Cooperative mobility in the digital test field Düsseldorf
The German R&D project KoMoD realised new technologies for connected and automated driving…
Urban traffic management and vehicle automation
After three years of committed research, trials and dialogue with stakeholders, the H2020 MAVEN…
ASFINAG and Volkswagen confirm cross-border interoperability between road infrastructure and vehicles before the operational deployment of C-ITS in…
All Basic Members and Active Members of the CAR 2 CAR Communication Consortium are invited to participate in the this year´s CAR 2 CAR Forum being…
The CAR 2 CAR Communication Consortium has published a new CAR 2 CAR journal. The 22nd edition of the Car 2 Car Journal has been redesigned and…
C2C-CC welcomes the EC efforts to save lives and moving ahead with setting up a clear, future-proof regulatory framework through the delegated…
The CAR 2 CAR Communication Consortium has been working since 2002 for harmonised services and system requirements to ensure a European compatible and…
The European Commission has adopted new rules stepping up the deployment of cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems (C-ITS) on Europe's roads.
Polis, the European network of cities and regions working together to deploy innovative solutions for more sustainable mobility, invites to the 2019…
The CAR 2 CAR Communication Consortium submits comments to the Federal Communication Commission’s Office of Engineering and Technology and the…